The structural silicon facade is a system where glass surfaces are clean and dense when viewed from the outside, and the carrier and mechanics are hidden at maximum levels from the outside.

The glass are bonded to the cassette profiles with a stiffened silicone, then the application is completed by mounting it to the carrier system. Heat bridge formation is minimized by EPDM roving used at junction points.

The spandrel zones, which are created by visible surfaces of the concrete floors, beam, column and mechanical components, are concealed by choice of enameled glass or composite panels.

As long as the opening wings are not opened, they are referred to as hidden wings because they are unknown from the outside. Hidden wings can be incorporated into the automation system as preferred, or automatic opening and closing of the wings can be achieved by using a button-controlled motor mechanism.

Advanced life comfort is achieved by incorporating heat, light, and noise control in structures. This can be provided by means of using the right combination of glass and performance.

Since it is mostly glass surface, it remains unchanged for many years, maintenance-free except for cleaning.